Transitional//EN" ""> ONE DIRECTION SITE FOR FANS ~ -

I can't

I'm really sorry but I can not change it there at the comments, you know where it says Transcript in Swedish like this = Namn:  
But as you know, I intend to make a list of what to write where it says in Swedish and so ... (where you gonna comment)

Namn: Here you will put you'r name.
E-post adress (publiceras ej): Here you will put you email (you don't need to)
URL/ bloggaress: Here you will but you blog name. (if you got a blog)


kisses xxxxx

Awww... I Really Really Want...

...A One Direction Doll ♥ They're soo cute!! Or?


Hello guys! Today im gonna try to make those nails :

Lots of love xxxx

1D IN MY HEART ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I'm sorry I have not blogged in a long time ... But I've fixed a one direction Facebook fan page for me =) And I think I need to start blogging in English instead, because there is no one who can speak Swedish who read the blog, just like that who know English;) But it is equally well good. Though I'm not so good at English.

may well add me as a friend on facebook (the one direction fan page) ? My name on facebook is: Hi every directioners. :)

A really cute pic of my darlings ♥ ♥

Flytta bloggen

Jag kommer flytta denhär bloggen till

Men jag länkar dit då det är klart då <3

Hejdå älsklingar

Har bestämt mig att jag inte ska flytta bloggen till blogspot :) !

I'm not going to move the blog to blogspot guys! :)


No way!

I was looking at Facebook, and guess what I seen!

It was a girl who says : "Niall raped me!" D: Who should ever write that !!!???? And who should ever believe that? That girl is NOT a real directioner! 
 Do you guys believe that? :O Im NOT believe it!
Our sweet, gorgeus, nice, kind cute Niall James Horan. He would never ever do something like that!.
Oh, Damn that stupid girl!!!! D: I just want to cry right now!

 Niall was being wery wery sad about what that girl is saying about him, and Niall says that he maybe are going leave 1D! :'(((
:(((((((((((((( OMG, Im so f*ckig sad right now! Whitout Niall is 1D nothing. We're Directioners, and we want all 5 guys in the band!! <3 Right? So, stop being bad everyone! We're gonna be a 1D family! Not haters! Come on, get a life every haters! D: We can do this together!

If you don't like 1D, why do you even tell that !!?? It just makes problems! Understand?

If you're a real directioner, and understand what i mean whit this. copy this text and put it on your facebook, your blog, twitter or something.


Naaw, so cute!!! <3

Harry whit Louis hair <3

x louis with harry's hair x - louis-tomlinson photo
Louis whit Harrys hair <3

Omg, so cute <3

About the blog...

Jag lade nog ändå ut en header idag :) Men det var bara en snabb en :)
Jag måste laga en bättre, ikväll elr imorgon :D

One direction i one piece <3 Så gulliga! :)

-Let us die young or let us live forever, we don't have the power but we never say never, Sitting in a sand pit life is a short trip, The music for the sandman ♥ 

Bye bye alla directioners <3

Jag önskar alla Directioners välkomna! <3

Jag har nyss skapat denna blogg, för alla One Direction galna dvs, directioners :) Denna directioners blogg är finlands första svenskspråkiga blogg om 1D. Här kommer jag att skriva om de snygga killarna i 1D : Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne & Niall Horan. Framförallt bilder, videor och kula saker att veta om 1D :) Jag skall också fixa en finare design senare idag, men jag tror inte att den publiceras förrän imorgon? :) Men hoppas ni har en bra dag! Kramis! <3

Niall Horan <3

Zayn Malik <3

Harry Styles <3

Liam Payne <3

Louis Tomlinson <3

Kramar <3

Välkommen till min nya blogg!

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